Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cracked Lips. Crack Heads, etc.

Nasal spray and Chap Stick, both highly addictive but yet so legal.  A mouth-breather with an addictive personality, I feel particularly targeted.  Damn Obama ...

Friday, December 3, 2010


To err is human, to blog is to ... self gratify? (always been a fan)

I've never been much of a journalist in the literal sense, though neither have I written professionally for puropses of publication, so the distinction is moot.

So, here goes ... I am very right-brained and slightly introverted, though I behave to the contrary.  In leiu of understanding, I prefer to "funderstand".  I like the tiny blond hairs on a girl's upper/inner thigh that can only be seen in direct sunlight.  I like "good" music, but I greatly appreciate pop music.  I think that people with political beliefs that differ from mine are close-minded, and I am very close-minded about that.  I know that visors make most guys look like a douche, but I honestly feel that I am the exception. 

Anyway, enough about me ... nah, who am I kidding.  I like to re-write/tweak the lyrics to songs that I hear (improving them, if you will).  I like sports, particularly football, even played a little bit in my day.  In another life I could have been a high school football coach/English teacher, perhaps the first one ever.  I am an interesting combination of vanity and insecurity, equal parts charming and awkward.  I used to prefer blondes, but have dated brunettes almost exclusively.   I have few regerts, but I regret the few deeply. 

If you're reading this right now, I have no clue how you found it ... but I ask you to please not correct my grammar. 


P.S. There's a world beneath these fireworks ...